Me, by J-Money
Preschool Poets Animated Series
Preschool Poets is a series of eight short animated films based on poems composed by four and five year olds.

Conceived and produced by artist and poetry teacher Nancy Kangas and filmmaker Josh Kun, the project is based on Nancy's work teaching preschoolers to write poetry at Columbus Early Learning Center, in Ohio. She's picked eight beautiful, startling poems to be recited by the children themselves and adapted by animation artists from around the world.
I was invited to interpret the poem "Me", by Ja'Lantea, in which he feels a new day should come with his new name: J-Money. I was amazed by the power of these kids' words and so glad to be part of a such unique project.

This was all designed digitally, painted frame by frame and then composed. 

Written and Performed by

Animation Direction
Daniel Bruson

Creative Direction
Nancy Kangas and Josh Kun

Nancy Kangas and Daniel Bruson


Thanks To
Talita Annunciato

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